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Health Boosting Seasonal Food

Posted on November 05 2020

Health Boosting Seasonal Food

As the weather turns chilly, it seems like winter is just around the corner. So now is a great time to start eating nutrient-rich seasonal veggies that are filled with health and immunity-boosting vitamins and minerals. Seasonal fruit and veg picked at the height of ripeness pack in the maximum amount of nutrients. Take a look at some of the best produce to stock up on for Autumn.


Pumpkins are a great source of potassium and beta-carotene, which changes into vitamin A in your body. Pumpkins also contain magnesium and calcium, as well as immune-boosting vitamins C and E.

broccoli and pumpkin


It’s easy to see why broccoli is often labelled a superfood. Veggies take note, broccoli is a great source of fibre and protein. But it’s also rich in antioxidants, iron, potassium, selenium and an array of B vitamins including folic acid.


Low in calories yet rich in fibre, parsnips are also loaded with vitamin C, with just one handful containing as much as 25% of your daily needs. Parsnips are also high in disease-fighting antioxidants which can boost your immunity and protect against infections.


These bright red root vegetables contain the powerful nutrient betalain, which gives the beetroot its vibrant colour and supports your body’s response to inflammation. The beet's leaves are often discarded but they are full of vitamins A, B and C and taste great in a seasonal vegetable salad.


Garlic is one of the oldest cultivated plants in the world and long recognised for its health benefits. Several studies suggest that garlic can reduce the risk of heart attacks and lower blood pressure. This is because it contains a chemical called allicin, a type of antioxidant which helps to widen blood vessels and reduce the risk of clotting.



Pears are powerhouse fruits, low in calories yet packed with soluble and insoluble fibre that’s essential for your gut health. Pears also contain an array of nutrients including potassium, calcium, vitamins C and K.


Great as a healthy snack, juicy ripe raspberries are easy to find and pick yourself at this time of year. Despite their small size, they are bursting with lots of different nutrients. Just one 100g serving of raspberries contains about 50% of our daily vitamin C needs. Plus much more besides with a variety of B vitamins, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium.

What to Remember

With autumn produce, the options are endless so it’s easy to get creative. Remember the more different types of fruit and vegetables that you eat, the more health benefits you’ll reap.