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Make space for 2020

Posted on January 29 2020

Make space for 2020


A new year is all about making a fresh start. January gives you the chance to change up your habits for the better. But to do this, you have to leave behind the clutter of the past year. Clearing space is key to create room for the new. The start of 2020 is the perfect time to do this. So, take a step back, let go of last year, and free up some room, mentally and physically. Here’s how you can work towards creating the space you need for the new year.



If looking at your new year to-do list is making your head spin, you’re not alone. Even if it all seems important, you still need a way to break down which tasks you’re going to spend your time on. This is where prioritising can help. That endless to-do list is going to keep on growing unless you get real about what’s really worth your time. So, cut it down to what’s crucial. Deciding what’s key, and what’s not, will help you divide your time up successfully. If there’s 20 things on your to-do list, focus on the top 5. Then aim to get rid of the rest, to create more space. Let’s be honest, sorting out the garden shed probably isn’t as important as updating your CV if you’re after a new job. So, off the list it goes. Eliminate those tasks that are less important, and you’ll eliminate all those half-done projects on your list that aren’t worth your time. Anything that doesn’t make it to the top, ditch!



Get it on paper

Once you’ve figured out what your priorities are, it’s important you don’t get overwhelmed. You can create some head space by taking those “to-do’s” and storing them somewhere other than your mind. When you’re trying to keep mental tabs on everything, it can get crowded. So, get those priorities on paper to create some room. Whether it’s an online list, the notes app on your phone, or a good old-fashioned piece of paper, getting your priorities down will create more mental space. Try keeping a notepad by your bed for those middle-of-the-night thoughts, or list on your wall where it can be seen. Whatever way you choose to do it, getting down your must-dos will help with head space and act as a reminder to get them done.



Think physical

Once you’ve prioritised and organised, it’s time to make physical space for your ideas. If you want to try yoga, make the space for it in your living room. Get rid of that bulky coffee table you don’t use and invest in a yoga mat. If you find it difficult working on your laptop at the dining room table, make space for a proper desk. It will make updating your CV for that dream job that little bit easier. Putting your plans into action in the new year can be difficult, but changing up your environment can be the physical transformation you need to keep you going.


What to remember

Just like clearing a cluttered room, prioritising and organising your thoughts can help create some much-needed space. This year, take the time to make space both mentally and physically for your resolutions by getting rid of the things that are weighing you down. Then, you’ll have more time and energy to devote to the important things in your life in 2020.